Magigras: The revolution of your miniature landscape!
Magigras: The revolution of your miniature landscape!
Magigras solves the problem of flocking in model making with electrically charged static grass bers. The flocking with static grass and a flocking device exists already for years! To achieve straightened grass, a lot of model makers use wood glue, which they apply directly on the surface.
- Here the products which use by the demonstration :
La résine
La colle Magispray
Le bFlock 50 (New!)
Les herbes statiques Magifloc
Les flocages Magiflor
This system has its limits which lead to frustration of the model maker. You can achieve straightened grass like that but you cant apply a successive layer. Only if you would apply another layer of glue on the surface of the grass to make sure that there is contact and ionization. Furthermore the glue had to be only at the top of the grass, so the new layer of electrically charged grass can develop branchings.
Magigras solves these problems!
The layer of synthetic resin procures a steady ionization for each new flocking. Furthermore there is no more need for sticky glues to get an ionization. Also Magigras is a sufficiently good conductor to supply the surface with enough electricity to ionize the grass, even if the source of electricity is a little distant of the surface. Besides you are able to apply several layers of different sized glass using the ultralight gluespray Magispray. You only have to spray Magispray on the surface, add grass, which are directly glued, and repeat the process.
Through the electrically charged between the Magigras and the flocking device (we recommend the « bFlock 50« ), the grass position in two different ways. If the grass you apply are the same size as the applied grass just before, the grass will position themselves at the end of the other grass. If the grass you apply are smaller then the grass you applied just before, the new grass will position themselves at the stems and form branchings. If you combine these two methods you will have naturally looking arborescent textures. You can apply Magigras in thin layers on the surface you want to shape. You can even apply Magigras on a wrapping .So after it is hard cured you can take away the wrapping ?And work with the Magigras outside of your Diorama. That enables you not to worry about the rest of the Diorama while applying the Magispray, furthermore you are able to hold the Magigras vertical, turn it upside down or even shake it to accomplish certain effects.
The advantages of Magigras for flocking in model making
It is ideal for the presentation of grassed areas in a diorama through electrically charged flocking. You can use Magispray even on grass which are already applied and on tiny areas. You can attach plants by stinging with a pin in the Magigras without any glue. Magigras remains flexible, so you can attach things at anytime. Magigras can be cut with a cutter
Magigras adheres easily to all kind of material .You Can be applied with any scraper. The bowl in which this is mixed can be washed easily with cold water .This is not toxic, hint for allergic persons: Magigras contains cement. One hour after you applied the Magigras you can patterns the surface or create some patterns with a cloth . Magigras does not burn!
How to use Magigras
Magigras can be used after you mixed the powder with the same amount of water. All devices can be easily washed with cold water. Mix the mass really good with a scraper to avoid clusters. Coat the surface you want to shape with the mixture to form a layer as thick as you want. The widespread layer is dry enough to touch it after 10 hours. The synthetic rasin obtains its final form after 24 hours.
Once the Magigras is dry, take it to a ventilated space and apply the first layer of Magispray. If you wish a very strong adherence of the first layer of grass on the Magigras you can use a transparent wood glue and spread it out thick. The wood glue will carry the root of the grass in a flexible matter and it will increase the stability of the Magigras. For all the following layers only Magispray should be used.
The final result looks different depending on the combination of grass of different sizes.